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Ortovox 3+ Recall

Feedback from Ortovox’s SAFETY ACADEMY PARTNERS has revealed that, in some very rare situations, temporary disruption of the transmission function...

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Analysis of an avalanche rescue : Chatel Jan 2015

With the recent heavy snowfalls across the Alps onto a thin and unconsolidated base and a poor start to the...

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TGR Safety Week

With the recent heavy snowfalls and spate of avalanches, it seems timely that TGR launch their Safety Week Safety week...

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Pieps Transciever Checker

We recently picked up a Pieps transceiver checker which does exactly what it says on the tin, it checks your...

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What’s in your pack?

What do you carry in your pack when you’re off piste or in the backcountry? Ā Some have said I overdo...

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CAC : Avalanche search apps should not be used!

TheĀ Canadian Avalanche Centre (CAC) Ā has categorically stated that there is NO smartphone app that could or should be used as...

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