Demand for skilled specialists in the area of snow grooming is growing globally. But the “classic” courses do not appeal...

TGR Safety Week
With the recent heavy snowfalls and spate of avalanches, it seems timely that TGR launch their Safety Week Safety week...

Movie : Know Before You Go
As we forecast last week, the snow is now coming down in Europe and it seems an appropriate time to...

Ski Fitness : It’s Not Rocket Science
It’s not Rocket Science. When an untrained person starts any exercise program, he or she gets fitter, almost no matter...

Snowsport Scotland Launches New Instructor Pathway
Snowsport Scotland, the organisation in Scotland that represents the interests of Snowsports and supports participation from newcomers to Olympic athletes,...

Beware of tree wells – rescue video
Skiing regularly in North America, we are often asked the same question: what is a tree well? I am rarely...

How to wax your skis
How do you wax your skis? In the interests of sexual equality, I may need to strip to my bawbags...

Airbags : not quite as effective as some claim?
Last year, we reported on an article by Bruce Tremper of the Utah Avalanche Center regarding the effectiveness of airbags...

Treewell risks highlighted
While Schumacher’s accident has had the skiing world talking about off-piste skiing and helmets, two deaths this week have highlighted...

TEDx : The Anatomy of Risk
We all take risks, every minute of every day we are evaluating situations and making decisions based on what we...