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That Perennial Helmet Question?

Do you  wear a helmet? It seems that there’s many out there who still don’t, and often various reasons are...

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Ski Fitness : It’s Not Rocket Science

It’s not Rocket Science. When an untrained person starts any exercise program, he or she gets fitter, almost no matter...

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Spinal injury for UK’s top female slalom skier

Charlie Guest, the UK’s No.1 female alpine slalom skier, landed on a boulder while on a training session in Sweden...

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Schumacher goes home.

After his accident in December, Schumacher was treated in Grenoble and then at the CHUV hospital in Lausanne.  He was placed in a...

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Could fat skis cause knee problems in the longer term?

As skis get fatter and fatter and are beginning to be used everywhere both off-piste and on, could this fat...

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