Deep in the Southern French Alps lies the 12th century village of La Grave, a world-renowned outdoor area with a...
FWT dates announced for 2016
The most intense and exciting freeride venues in the world highlight the Freeride World Tourâs line-up for 2016. With 5...
Mammut Freeride Video competition
Mammut wants to see your freeride videos!  They are running the Mammut Freeride Film Contest where the best video overall wins a...
Zermatt to host the Swatch Skiers Cup
 It is now confirmed, the Swatch Skiers Cup, the international freeskiingâs yearly intercontinental showdown, will take place on February 21-27...
2015 AFP World Tour Calendar Released
The AFP is pleased to announce the preliminary 2015 World Tour schedule.  Please note: they are still waiting on a handful...
Few Words : Full length film for free.
Candide Thovex grew up in La Clusaz and has been on skis since he was 2 and at only 14 he...
New Freeride Festival in Livigno.
European Freeride Festival Livigno, Italy January 31 â February 4, 2015 Livigno has announced The European Freeride Festival will place next...
Who’s into the 2015 Freeride World Tour?
Lausanne, Switzerland â April 23, 2014 After a grueling season spanning 43 of the worldâs premier ski resorts, the 2014...